Monday 21 July 2014

Ashden woodland camping trip 2014

This weekend I had friends from work come to camp in the woods, as happened about a year ago too. Fortunately the freak storm from the previous night had passed away, and we had mostly good weather!

As you can see, I'd put a tarpaulin up just in case of rain, and it did get used briefly in the evening! I had a second one set up on our old shelter frame as well:

There was the obligatory walk around the woods, which the sun came out for:

During the walk we saw some windblow from the previous night's storm:


Back at the camp a couple had a go at chainsawing some logs, then there was the most impressive food preparation I've seen in the wood in a long time, perhaps ever!

We had a bit of a tent village going on, which was good as there were ten of us sleeping over!


The kids played on the rope swing until it went dark, then after they went to bed the rest of us went on the swing too - it's much more fun in the pitch black, and after a glass of wine! :-)

We finished up the next day with some target practice with the air rifle and a good breakfast cooked on the fire:

Looking forward to next time!


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