Sunday 2 November 2014

Coppicing, stools and benches

We had a productive day in the woods yesterday, coppicing a few stools and adding to the pile of split and stacked firewood, ready to burn in a couple of years:
2014-11-01 14.47.15

I also picked out a number of straight sections as I went along and made stakes from them, which will come in useful at some point:
2014-11-01 14.46.48

I also turned some of the logs from windblown trees into benches for the community garden in Rye. There's a video of how to make the benches here.
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I also made a couple of stools (again, video here), one for use at the wood, the other to sell:
2014-11-01 14.46.15

Finally, when I got home I found this bizarre sight  a mushroom had been growing under my car! Presumably it's feeding on the wood chips lying on the drive, left from cutting logs up with the Truncator (video here):
2014-11-01 15.42.21

It looks like the weather is turning colder soon - it'd be nice to have a frosty day to work in the woods, it's a bit warm at the moment when wearing chainsaw trousers!


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