Saturday 6 December 2014

Swans and Sunsets at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

Last Sunday I went for a walk around Rye Harbour Nature Reserve at the end of the day. The timing was perfect for a great sunset!
DSC_2933 sunset

The lakes are now filled with Swans:
DSC_2879 Swan

DSC_2886 Swan

DSC_2884 Swan

And ducks, such as this pair of Gadwalls - first time I've ever seen these!
DSC_2887 Gadwall

Here's the female Gadwall on her own:
DSC_2899 Gadwall

And the male Gadwall:
DSC_2904 Gadwall

I was pleased to get a shot of a Cormorant flying overhead, though the light was fading a bit by this point:
DSC_2913 Cormorant

It's all a far cry from what it was like back in May:

There's still a lot of birds around, but it's much more peaceful now.

Going back to the sunsets, I'll finish with a few more of my favourites...
DSC_2955 sunset

DSC_2972 sunset

DSC_2962 sunset

DSC_2970 sunset


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