Sunday 7 June 2015

Digging in the woods

For once it wasn't the wild boar digging holes, it was me! I've been trying to persuade this bog not to drain into the track for some time, but have finally decided the only way is to dig a ditch to try and drain it in a different direction:


As you can see from the above photo, part of the reason for this is that I need to drive on this bit of the track this summer, to extract wood I cut 18 months ago, and a drier track will make it much easier. I'll go back in a week and see how it's going... But the rest of the track was fine - for readers that know the woods, the photo below was taken by the Wild Service tree and two Oak trees on the track that separates Chestnut Coppice from Sweep Wood, which is quite deep inside the woods:

Here's a few pics from Rye Harbour too, taken a few weeks ago.The gulls were busy building nests:


They were all making a lot of noise, especially this Common Tern:

For the first time I got a photo of Great Crested Grebe down there, though I think they are fairly common.

And finally, a couple of scenic shots to finish off. First, Rye Harbour:

And second, Pett Level:
2015-05-03 18.42.58


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