Monday 14 March 2016

Spring flowers and a BBQ

OK, not quite a BBQ, but this weekend was the first time this year we've cooked a meal in the woods...
2016-03-12 14.18.20

After lunch we went in search of wood anemone. We did find a few, but they are struggling up through the bluebells, which are well ahead this year, thanks to the warm December.

Here's what the bluebells are looking like, I think they're about 4-5 weeks ahead of normal in their growth - have to wait and see how much earlier they flower...

Over in Sweep Wood, there's a wild boar highway being established...

It looks as if some of them are pretty big, here's a hoof print next to Tracy's hand for comparison:

Back to the plants... Lords and Ladies is well into leaf now:

as is Elder:

The Sycamore that had come into leaf weeks ago is still struggling on - I wonder if the frosts made it regret the early start...

There's lots of Primroses out too, always nice to see these woodland flowers:

That's all for now...


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