Friday 18 January 2008

Rye Fawkes


UPDATE: Video and photos from 2008 Rye Fawkes are here.

Sadly we've been so busy doing other things we've hardly been to the wood this week! Tracy spent the weekend learning to make baskets from willow (we'll post a photo of one later...) while I seemed to spend a lot of time cooking curry!

Also, it was Rye's biggest night of the year - bonfire night, or "Rye Fawkes" as it's known locally. A lot of the towns around here do a special event for bonfire night, and Rye is no exception - thousands of people cram themselves into the fairly small town centre to watch the parade, then head down to the town salts to watch the fireworks and bonfire.

Here's a video of the parade, taken from the window of our neighbours upstairs, Justin and Emma:

And here's a video of the fireworks and bonfire. After the fireworks, the men of the Rye Bonfire Society continue throwing bangers (big ones!) into a steel drum for some time - someone said they do it until the fire goes out, but I don't know if that's true!


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