Wednesday 18 July 2012

Moth trapping - Brede High Woods

Last weekend we went to join some friends from Rother Guardians moth trapping in Brede High Woods. We just went for the first couple of hours, to catch up with everyone before it got dark, and then to see the first batch of moths identified. Here's a few of them... (thanks to Heather for the IDs...)

This one's a Clouded Border - I've seen these before in our own woodland:
Clouded Border moth DSC_4120

Here's a view of a trap in the distance - they really do make the woodland look strange!
Moth trap DSC_4125

This one's a Purple Clay, not one I've seen before:
Purple Clay moth DSC_4118

A Swallow-tailed moth:
Swallow-tailed moth DSC_4109

Two Marbled White Spots:
Marbled White Spot moth DSC_4090

Marbled White Spot moth DSC_4087

A Common White Wave:
Common White Wave moth DSC_4085

And now on to the micro-moths - these are only roughly identified, there's not enough detail to see exactly which type they are... This one's a Tortrix:
Tortrix sp micro moth DSC_4105

Two of a Scoparia-Eudonia:
Scoparia-Eudonia sp micro moth DSC_4104

Scoparia-Eudonia sp micro moth DSC_4096

As always, there are a few imposters in the traps...
Beetle DSC_4106

Finally, here's a couple from our own woodland. First, a Silver Y, which is a day-flying moth:
Silver Y moth DSC_4072

This one saw it was being watched and started vibrating its wings, presumably to warm up in case it needed to make a quick escape...
Silver Y moth DSC_4073

And finally, not a moth, but a Large Skipper butterfly - we've not seen these so often in the woods.
Large skipper DSC_4066


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