Wednesday 18 July 2012

Olympic Torch in Rye!

The Torch came through Rye today, and the crowds turned out to watch... Here's a video - don't blink, or you'll miss the torch! Fortunately we had a good parade from the local schools to follow it, so there was something for the crowds to see. Pictures follow the video...

Here's the kids getting ready to join the parade:
Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4141

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4139

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4146

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4138

The town crier was there too:
Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4145

and of course lots of corporate sponsors, who've paid for under 10% of the games...
Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4157

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4143

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4150

The local fire service were standing ready:
Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4148

And there were some suspicious people in grey tracksuits hanging around:
Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4149

Of course, you can't do something like this in Rye without causing traffic chaos:
Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4155

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4154

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4153

Olympic Torch in Rye DSC_4156

Here's a few shots Tracy took - she was in the parade itself, with her school:





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