Sunday 9 November 2014

Rye Fawkes 2014

Another great Rye Fawkes last night!


Here's my video of the parade, fireworks and bonfire. More photos below...

I was seriously impressed with the upgrade to the fire-breathing dragon's nostrils!
Rye Fawkes dragon

The rest of the parade was very impressive as well though:



The fireworks were a good show as well, though a bit chaotic this year as they decided they needed to move everyone off the bridge over the river before the show started. This was supposedly for safety reasons, due to the wind, but the security people didn't actually tell anyone that reason to start with, and were a bit rude when people were reluctant to move...




Another great night out, as always! Looking forward to next time...


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Sunday 2 November 2014

Coppicing, stools and benches

We had a productive day in the woods yesterday, coppicing a few stools and adding to the pile of split and stacked firewood, ready to burn in a couple of years:

2014-11-01 14.47.15

I also picked out a number of straight sections as I went along and made stakes from them, which will come in useful at some point:
2014-11-01 14.46.48

I also turned some of the logs from windblown trees into benches for the community garden in Rye. There's a video of how to make the benches here.
2014-11-01 14.45.29

I also made a couple of stools (again, video here), one for use at the wood, the other to sell:
2014-11-01 14.46.15

Finally, when I got home I found this bizarre sight  a mushroom had been growing under my car! Presumably it's feeding on the wood chips lying on the drive, left from cutting logs up with the Truncator (video here):
2014-11-01 15.42.21

It looks like the weather is turning colder soon - it'd be nice to have a frosty day to work in the woods, it's a bit warm at the moment when wearing chainsaw trousers!


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