Saturday 16 October 2010

Eco-refurbishment - insulating the loft

This is the latest part of our "eco refurbishment", insulating the loft. The existing insulation was between 2 and 6 inches, i.e. very unevenly distributed, and not thick enough. I wanted to upgrade it to 12 inches thick, but also have boards over the top so we could use the space for storage.

So, the first step was to top up the insulation between the joists to bring it to 6 inches throughout, and then screw down some more 2x6" joists at right angles:

insulating the loft

Step two was to insulate between these joists, so adding another 6 inches:

insulating the loft

The final step was to screw down boards on top, and replace all the random stuff we store up there:
insulating the loft

That's just one bit - I did it in sections so I always had somewhere to leave tools and sit while I was working. It was a pretty unpleasant job, being hot, confined and handling glass fibre. Cutting up the boards with a small circular saw made plenty of dust to add to all that as well! Let's just say I'm glad it's done and that the boards are now down over the whole floor.

There was one last job, which was to insulate the top of the loft hatch panel, which is just a thin board nailed to a frame. Our friends John and Helen (of the Recycled House) gave us a spare piece of insulation board, which I glued and screwed onto the loft hatch panel:

Although this is thinner than the glass fibre insulation, it should actually provide better insulation, as it's a more advanced material.

I do still need to put draught strip round the loft hatch, but that'll have to wait until I find it, as it went missing during the move!


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