Saturday, 26 February 2011

Getting the logs ready for next winter

This winter's not even over, but with sufficient logs back at home to take us through until spring, it was time to start refilling the shelter ready for next winter.


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Sunday, 20 February 2011

Spring is getting closer...

Although it was raining yesterday, we went briefly to the wood anyway, just to walk around and have a look at stuff. I took a few pics of the signs of spring approaching, though just with my mobile phone, so the quality isn't great. Here's the most obvious one: snowdrops, at the top of Sweep Wood


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Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Winchelsea cellars tour

Last weekend we went on a tour of the cellars in Winchelsea, organised by the Sussex Community Rail Partnership.

Unsurprisingly, we therefore started at Winchelsea station, although we actually walked there, as it's only about 2 miles from our house.

winchelsear station

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