Friday, 27 May 2011

100,000 views on my chainsaw video!

I made this video to illustrate felling using a 'boring cut', having learned it on my chainsaw training. For some reason people seem to like it, and today it passed 100,000 views on YouTube! Enjoy (and ignore the cheesy shot of me stood by the logs at the end...):

Sunday, 22 May 2011

The birds and the bees

Yes, literally. Let's start with the birds:


Click here to read the rest of this post.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Ashden Awards 2011 finalists announced

Just a quick post to tell everyone that the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy finalists for 2011 have been announced. (If you didn't know, I work for the Ashden Awards)

Click the links below to visit the Ashden Awards website to read a bit about them and see some more photos.

If you're particularly interested, then you might like to come to our conference. There's some info on the website, and you can book here.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Foxgloves are flowering

A little earlier than expected, the foxgloves that started growing last year after we'd coppiced have now started flowering:


Click here to read the rest of this post.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Woodpeckers and butterflies

When we arrived at the wood yesterday, I saw a black and white bird take off from near our camp. At first I thought it was a Magpie, as we do get them there occasionally, but when it landed in a nearby oak I realised it was a Greater Spotted Woodpecker! Sadly the light wasn't that great, but I still got some of my best photos yet of this bird, and it was great to see one down in the coppiced area by our camp - a first since we bought the wood.

DSC_7709 greater spotted woodpecker

Click here to read the rest of this post.