Monday, 28 May 2012

Ashden Awards 2012 in the news

Just a few quick links for interesting blog posts relating to Ashden Awards stuff going on this week:

Pleased that we have this one in the Guardian:

And a few from our own blog too:

examples of BFP lighting systems
Solar PV lighting from one of this year's international finalists.


Friday, 25 May 2012

Ashden Awards ceremony webcast 2012

Just a quick note to say that the 2012 Ashden Awards ceremony will be webcast for the first time. To see it, go the Ashden website at 7pm on Wednesday 30 May 2012, and follow the link to view it. The ceremony starts at 7:15pm.

To get an idea of what you'll see, check out the video from 2011:


Monday, 21 May 2012

My YouTube videos have passed 1,000,000 views!

Bit of a landmark passed in the past few days - the total number of views of all our videos on YouTube have passed one million! Thanks for viewing.... :-)

Here's the top ten since we started....

Cockatiels that think they are eagles: 195,031 views

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Thursday, 17 May 2012

Nightingales return to our woodland!

Nightingales love coppice with a couple of years' growth, as it gives the thick, bushy foliage they like for nesting. They'd not been seen for some years in our woods, so we were delighted to see one in Sweep Wood yesterday, in an area we coppiced just voer two years ago! Here's a video of it singing - you can't see it, but at least you can hear its song.

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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Super-charged fire pit video!

Almost a year ago we improved our fire pit in the woods by burying a bigger air supply pipe under it:


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Sunday, 6 May 2012

Woodland bluebells 2012

With the wet weather and general busyness it's been a couple of weeks since we made it to the wood, but today I was up there with a friend and had time to check out this year's bluebells, which are looking as good as ever. Here's a selection...

DSC_3945 bluebells

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