Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Moth trapping - Brede High Woods

Last weekend we went to join some friends from Rother Guardians moth trapping in Brede High Woods. We just went for the first couple of hours, to catch up with everyone before it got dark, and then to see the first batch of moths identified. Here's a few of them... (thanks to Heather for the IDs...)

This one's a Clouded Border - I've seen these before in our own woodland:

Clouded Border moth DSC_4120

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Olympic Torch in Rye!

The Torch came through Rye today, and the crowds turned out to watch... Here's a video - don't blink, or you'll miss the torch! Fortunately we had a good parade from the local schools to follow it, so there was something for the crowds to see. Pictures follow the video...

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Monday, 16 July 2012

Rain storm timelapse video

Just a quick one - thought I'd try getting some timelapse video of storms with all this British 'summer' weather we're having...

I did this one by recording HD video using the GoPro and then using Virtual Dub to decimate it, resulting in 100x speedup. It's slower than using stills, and lower resolution, but gives you complete flexibility on frame rate and speedup. I'll be on the lookout for some more storms...
