Sunday, 30 September 2012

Christians Against Poverty charity bike ride

Well, London to Brighton was good last year, but this year a small group of us decided we'd do a 50-mile local tour, with sponsorship to raise money for the debt counselling work of Christians Against Poverty, splitting the money between our local church and the national CAP UK work.

Here's the highlights! (if you're wondering, my nickname is because of the GoPro camera that sprouted like a dalek eyestalk from my bike helmet...)


Friday, 28 September 2012

Why you should NEVER buy from Simply Electronics (

I wouldn't normally use my blog for a little rant like this, but I think people need to be warned about

At first sight their website makes it look like a UK-based company, with an 0844 phone number, prices in £, etc. So I went ahead and ordered a new mobile phone from them - the website said it was in stock and that I would receive it after 4-8 working days. They debited my credit card immediately.

After a few days had passed the status of my order changed to 'we're preparing your order', but then just sat there. So after 8 working days I sent them a message to ask where it was, but got no reply within the next day or two. I started getting concerned, and looked up some reviews of them on the web and found some unpleasant stuff...

Click here to read the rest of this post.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Coasteering (jumping off cliffs!)

This is what I was up to this weekend...


Sunday, 2 September 2012

Moving logs: new trailer and a modified log trolley

Well, after our old trailer died, we picked out a new one, and it's finally arrived! The neat thing about it is that the front, as well as the back, can be removed:


Click here to read the rest of this post.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Another woodland camping trip!

This week we had my brother Andy and his family come and visit, here he is with Rachel and Joshua...


and here's Chloe, with a case for carrying captured bugs in for later study...

Click here to read the rest of this post.