Saturday, 24 November 2012

Woodland maintenance and bryophytes

Because we cut so much wood over the 2010/11 winter, we're not doing any significant coppicing this year, as we need to burn or sell the pile we still have. Instead, we're taking the opportunity to get some maintenance jobs done. Here's a a few pics...

First, on the footpath that borders the wood that my friend Alex owns, we found this coppice stool had blown over in October:


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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Rye Classic Car Cruise 2012

Once again, Rhythm Riot has brought the Classic Cars to cruise through Rye! Enjoy the video...


Sunday, 11 November 2012

Rye Fawkes 2012 video

Last Saturday was Rye Fawkes, so as usual we went to watch and capture the event on video - so here you go:

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Sunday, 4 November 2012

Rough seas!

It was lashing it down with rain this morning, and the wind got up too, so after the rain had passed me got a few photos on the Hastings seafront after church, and then went down to Rye Harbour to try out using the GoPro camera on the end of an extendible pole - check the video out...

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Saturday, 3 November 2012

First photo of the Andromeda Galaxy

Last night had a clear sky, although the moon was up, which kind of spoiled it a bit for what I was trying to do... get my first photo of a galaxy!

Anyway, this was still good practice, mainly to show that I could actually point the camera at the right bit of the sky, even though the object I was trying to capture wasn't visible to the naked eye! Here's the photo I got... the object in the centre is the Andromeda Galaxy, or M31 as it is also known (click for a larger image):

andromeda galaxy

Nothing overly impressive, mainly due to the effects of the moon, but I was pleased to capture it nonetheless. Next time I need to try it zoomed in a bit, and on a moonless night, and see what I can get...

I also got another picture of some stars, though again the moonlight spoiled it a bit (click for a larger image):
Stars at iso1600

As usual, my setup was pretty simple:
- Nikon D60 SLR, used at ISO1600
- Sigma lens at 18mm and f2.8
- EQ1 telescope mount with basic motor drive
