Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Kick the Frenchman's Head 2012 (The Winchelsea Game)

Last year we were spectators, this year I joined in! For the history of the game click here. Here's this year's video, mixing footage from Tracy's camera at the side of the game and from my chest-mounted GoPro as well. Photos follow below...

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Sunday, 23 December 2012

Wild boar in the woods!

Today we saw a group of 6-8 wild boar in the woods! We'd gone up to have a wander around and do a few jobs, such as making a new mallet from a single piece of birch:

IMG_3137 Making a mallet

As we were walking to the car, parked in the wayleave, we heard the sounds of an animal moving in the woodland on the other side, but thought nothing of it, as there are plenty of pheasants, squirrels, etc. which can make quite a bit of noise...

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Saturday, 22 December 2012

Flooding in Rye - sewage water lifting the manhole covers!

This video is from a couple of hours ago in Rye, note the bits of toilet paper coming up from the manhole cover! Nasty!


Friday, 21 December 2012

Coppicing at the End of the World

As some people thought today  (21 Dec 2012) would be the end of the world, I thought I may as well go and coppice some trees. I guess it didn't end while I was in the woods?

Carrying on the the maintenance theme of this winter, I thought I'd coppice some of the wayleave, as it's grown a lot since we bought the woodland. It needs to be kept down for the wildlife - it's a really great spot for butterflies, etc. National Grid will cut it all eventually, but I got bored of waiting... There's also the advantages of getting some logs out of it and making it easier for people to drive along it without scratching their cars on overhanging trees.

Here's how it looked in 2008:

DSC_3507 Wayleave

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Sunday, 16 December 2012

Birds of prey at Eagle Heights

This weekend we went to visit Eagle Heights, where we saw some amazing birds!

DSC_5397 Bald Eagle

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