Friday, 22 March 2013

Logs, wild boar and a hint of Spring

I had today off work, and went to the wood to process some logs. It's still looking pretty winter-like there:


But if you look a bit more closely there are bluebell shoots coming up!
DSC_0174 bluebell shoots

Click here to read the rest of this post.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Vortex wind-up torch review

I've been sent a sample of the Vortex wind-up torch from Applied Innotech, to see if I want to import a box of them to resell alongside their SL1 and NSJP torches that I already have. So I thought I'd write a review and see what people think of it - please leave a comment or send me an email if you think you'd consider buying one, no obligation to do so of course! I think that after my import costs I'd be able to resell them for between £25 and £30 including UK postage.

Click here to read the rest of this post.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Snow chaos on Rye Hill

As is traditional when it snows in Rye, people go out in their cars and get stuck on Rye Hill. So I went out with my GoPro and videoed it this time! I did also end up helping push five cars up hills...


Sunday, 10 March 2013

NightStar jP shake torch now in stock

I've got a new torch to sell! This one's a 'shake torch', which uses a rare-earth magnet passing through a coil of wire to generate energy. What's different is that it stores it in an ultra-capacitor, and a top-quality one too. The torch is also completely sealed, using a magnetic switch so there's no holes in the casing at all. To make a change, it's built in Japan, instead of China - this costs more, but the quality and reliability is worth it I think.

The torch has a 5-year warranty, but may well last decades, as there's only one moving part and it's watertight - useful whether you're camping in the woods or worried about power outages. Anyway, see what you think, more details and pricing on this page.


Monday, 4 March 2013

Time-lapse car washing

We weren't in the woods this weekend, instead we were washing cars at a fundraising event for Rother Responders, which trains and equips people in the community to respond to emergencies with life-saving equipment, such as a defibrillator, to help people until an ambulance arrives. Here's a time-lapse video I took with our GoPro camera. Enjoy...
