Saturday, 29 June 2013

The new Flickr interface

It may, or may not, have come to your attention that Flickr completely redesigned their website interface a few weeks ago, and changed the subscription terms as well. I gather a lot of people are very annoyed by it, especially serious photographers. For someone just browsing photos it probably works quite nicely. My statistics, gathered using, do show a big drop off though - here's photos views for the last four years, with the final two months being post-redesign:

Anyway, here's a screenshot, click it to go and take a look for yourself and see what you think...

Flickr screenshot


Thursday, 27 June 2013

EWB Imperial College students visiting the woods

It's become traditional for a group of students from Imperial College involved with the charity Engineers Without Borders to come for a camping trip in the woods each year, but this time they couldn't come in March so it ended up happening in June instead - which was probably a good thing, as it was snowing in March!

I didn't have any major building projects for them to get involved with this year, but that left time for various other activities, such as making wooden mallets and learning to use a chainsaw for logging - under careful supervision! They did give me a hand moving some logs though, which was a huge help!

DSC_6640 moving logs

Click here to read the rest of this post.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Ashden Awards 2013!

Just come to the end of another great Ashden Awards week! If you only watch one of our winners' films from this year, make sure it's this one, from Hollybush Primary school in Derry:

There's loads more videos on the Ashden YouTube channel, and you can download copies of the films, as as well as case studies and photos, from the Ashden website.


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Greater Spotted Woodpeckers feeding their chicks

Check out this video of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers feeding their chicks in our woodland! We had heard the woodpecker hollowing out a nest in this tree some weeks ago, but hadn't seen where it was. This weekend I was in the woods preparing logs for next winter, when I heard the chicks, from about 40m away as they were making so much noise as they were being fed! You'll be able to hear them in the video. Photos follow after the video...

Click here to read the rest of this post.