Monday, 26 August 2013

Ashden woodland trip 2013

Just back from another camping trip to the woods, this time joined by friends from work and their families... A few intrepid campers started the outing on Saturday, and it was lashing it down with rain, so we opted to walk to a pub for dinner. Thankfully the rain paused for a few hours after that, so we did get to light a fire, drink beer and Jesse even entertained us with the guitar for a while!

DSC_6961 woodland camp fire

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August in the woods: logs and bugs

Thankfully it's been much sunnier this summer than last year, and there have been some good opportunities to photograph insects in the wayleave. I was particularly pleased with this shot of a male Souther Hawker dragonfly:

DSC_6948 Southern Hawker dragonfly

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Friday, 16 August 2013

Airbourne 2013 - Eastbourne Air Show

We had a great day yesterday at Eastbourne Air Show, otherwise known as Airbourne.

The Red Arrows were the highlight of course, so here's the best of the photos I got (just using a Canon compact as well!):

Red Arrows - Airbourne 2013

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