Saturday, 25 January 2014

Shrinking log pile...

Six weeks ago:

DSC_7565 pheasant

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Saturday, 11 January 2014

Sunburn in the woods in January!

Nice sunny day today, and I called in to our friends Tom and Jane to help fell some trees in their garden, one was just a conifer that was getting too big and shading the garden, the other was a eucalyptus that was leaning after the recent storms. Tom has a chainsaw too, so we were able to work together on them.

DSC_7724 felled eucalyptus

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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Clearing up after the storm - again!

Before we'd even done all the clearing up from the storm in October, the woodland got hit again on Christmas Eve. No oaks down this time, but plenty of big sweet chestnut stools over:

DSC_7698 windblown trees

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Saturday, 4 January 2014

Stormy seas at Rye Harbour

We wandered down to Rye Harbour Nature Reserve recently, to see how the repairs were getting on after the storm surge in early Dec 2013 - we were pleased to see that after just a couple of weeks it was all back in place:

DSC_7625 Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

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