Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Busy few weeks in the woods

It's been a busy few weeks, starting with me going to the South Downs Show to sell logging saw horses on behalf of Truncator - I've been using their product for a couple of years, and thought it was time I had a go at selling them. It went very well, here's my stall at the show before it opened:

2015-08-15 08.18.27

I was too busy to look round the show while it was open, but I did see this guy opposite demonstrating basic blacksmithing - I might be tempted to have a go some time!
2015-08-16 10.22.11

I had good weather for the show, apart from setting up in the rain on the Friday, but even then there was a nice sunset!
2015-08-14 20.28.29

Back in the woods I've been moving the seasoned produce from 2013/14 coppicing, some cut into logs and delivered to customers, and some relocated to where I can access it more easily for our own use this winter:


While moving the logs I found a few interesting things in the log piles, such as three Peacock butterflies, which I helped warm up and depart for new hiding places:

A nest of some sort, from a mammal rather than a bird by the look of it:

And finally the remains of an old wasp nest, I think:

I've also been cutting green branches and poles for a customer who'll be assembling them into decorative panels:

And to top it off, camping in the woods with my brother and his family!


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