Friday, 29 December 2017

Birds, drones and Christmas in the woods

The coppicing still isn't finished... there's only a day's work left to do, but I've been ill, so have had to take a break from the woodland work. I did still manage to get up there a bit for some less strenuous activities though, such as cooking a Christmas lunch for us and a friend:

2017-12-25 13.50.10

2017-12-25 13.59.56

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Sunday, 17 December 2017

Nearing the end of coppicing...

With the colder weather and the lack of leaves on the trees, it's easier to get photos of birds in the woods, so here's a Marsh Tit and a Blue Tit:


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Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Fallow Buck in the Woods

I'm not sure who was most surprised at this meeting, the Fallow Buck or me... He didn't seem to see me at first, giving me time to get my phone out and take this video:

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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Storm damage and the start of this season's coppicing

We've had some windy weather over the past week, and a branch fell from quite high in an oak tree, damaging another branch on the way down. Having removed the one that fell, the damaged one was still attached:


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Sunday, 9 July 2017

Camping in the woods - zip line and a new way to open a wine bottle

June was a busy month for work at Ashden, but towards the end things calmed down, and I had several friends from the office come down for a weekend camping.


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Saturday, 27 May 2017

Trailcam video: Deer, Badger, and Fox in the woods

We've got a new trail cam! Here's some video from the first week or so of its use in the woods, showing a deer, badger and fox:

Apart from a few social visits, we've not been doing much in the woods for the past few weeks, partly to avoid disturbing any nesting birds. But we've seen plenty of birds elsewhere, here's a Kestrel, Mallards with their ducklings and a Coot with its youngster as well:

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Sunday, 2 April 2017

First Bluebell in the woods!

We found our first Bluebell of this Spring in the woods yesterday!


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