We found our first Bluebell of this Spring in the woods yesterday!
The Wood Anemones are looking great as well now:
And in one of the dens Tracy's class built back in the autumn, the flowers have moved in... it's quite bizarre, I can only assume the shelter from frost made a difference and resulted in dormant seeds sprouting. The entrance does face roughly south, which might have helped trap heat.
Lots of the trees are now coming into leaf as well, such as Hornbeam:
And even some of the Sweet Chestnut:
Ferns are unravelling themselves, but still look a bit alien right now:
The sun's brought out the butterflies too, we've seen several Brimstone, and a few Peacock as well:
But it's not all been strolling around in the sun, I've taken advantage of the tracks drying out to start moving some logs - these are going to be milled into planks and beams for building stuff:
Back later with more bluebells...
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