Sunday, 7 October 2018

Autumn arriving in the woods

Well, it's been a busy summer, and autumn has caught up with us all of a sudden, making me realise I haven't posted here for a while! So let's start with the kind of views that only come with that early-morning autumn mist:

2018-09-02 08.06.58

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Monday, 16 July 2018

Fox cubs, flowers and insects - summer in the woods

A couple of weeks ago I was wandering down the wayleave, photographing butterflies and flowers, when something made me stop and go back a few steps to look along a path. I'm glad I did, as this was what I saw:


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Thursday, 31 May 2018

Spring in the woods

As Spring shifts to Summer, here's a few pics from the last couple of months. Spring started cold, and when it did warm up, everything happened in a hurry - we had a great display of Bluebells:


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