Thursday, 26 June 2008

First day off

Today was my first weekday off of the summer (I'm working 3 days a week till the end of July), so guess what - we went to the wood!

It was sunny, but windy, so the butterflies in our clearing weren't spending enough time on the ground for me to get any photos. I did get some of this dragonfly though:

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Romney Marsh wind farm

Just down the road from Rye a wind farm is being built by npower on Romney Marsh. We went down this afternoon to see how it was getting on. There are two turbines up so far, and a third one has the tower up but no turbine on it it yet:
I'm delighted to see this going on. I know some people don't like the look of them, but I personally find them quite elegant. In any case, they're right next to a row of large pylons and near a nuclear power station, so you can hardly argue the view is pristine! ;-)


Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Photos from Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

We wandered along the side of the River Brede the other evening, and got lots of pictures of the wildlife. Here you go...

A coot, with its chicks in one of the reed-filled drainage ditches:

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Monday, 23 June 2008

Woodland camping trip

So what would you expect with five men camping in the woods? Fire, beer, BBQ and shooting? You'll not be surprised then...

Our track repairs have stood up to the test, allowing us to drive the car and trailer right up to the clearing:
and as if by magic, a tent appeared:

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A busy week...

Well, the week just past was the pinnacle of the year for my work with the Ashden Awards, so now I can relax a bit! To see what it was all about, check out the pictures of our Awards ceremony and our winners here:

We're also running a blog with news from our winners:

I had four of the lads visit over Saturday night, camping in the woods. I'll update the blog with the pictures this evening....


Sunday, 15 June 2008

Charcoal results, and selling logs

Well, it worked! Here's the proof:

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