Saturday, 31 January 2009

Framed woodland pictures

It was my Mum's birthday recently, and as a present I had a few of the photos I'd taken in the wood framed. The framing was done by a local guy I deliver logs to.
I've not actually given it to my Mum yet, so this post is a chance for to get a preview of it!


A new woodland neighbour

My friend Alex was visiting yesterday - he's recently bought a plot of woodland next to ours, and this was his first visit since completing the purchase. So, I took a few hours off work in the middle of the day and we went up to have a look round the woods.

It's still pretty wet, after the rain earlier in the week:

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Friday, 30 January 2009

Carbon price crash

Carbon trading is seen as a mechanism to fund development of sustainable energy solutions, particularly in developing countries, but the effects of recession around the world are hitting the price, potentially cutting funds for some projects. The BBC reports:

It [the EU carbon trading scheme] seemed like a market solution to global warming in Europe, but initially many of these permits were given away for nothing.

Now, as recession bites, industries like steel, cement and glass may be polluting less, but only because they're producing less. So companies are desperately selling off the carbon credits they no longer need to bolster their faltering balance sheets. That has led to a big drop in the market value of carbon permits, and as the right to pollute becomes cheaper, there is less incentive for companies to stop polluting. (source)

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Tuesday, 27 January 2009

After the wind and rain

On Monday it finally stopped raining, so Paul and Penny came to the wood to help with some more coppicing (and to eat the venison casserole that they brought)
After all the rain, our little woodland stream was flowing nicely. I wish it was there in the summer too! We did a quick check of the wood and there was no visible wind blow.

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Sunday, 25 January 2009


Our plans to go to the wood this afternoon have been rained off. The 40mph winds don't help either...

Tomorrow looks better, and although I'm working, Tracy will be going up with our friends Paul and Penny to finish off some more of the odds and ends of coppicing that need doing, and also gather together the stuff we've been making for an allotment customer.

In the meantime I'm giving a friend a lift to Eastbourne with his stuff (he's moving house) later today, and that has to go ahead no matter what the weather's like.


Sunday, 18 January 2009

Ashburnham Place

We've just got back from a church weekend away, and I thought people might like to see some pictures of where it was, as the grounds were beautiful, even in winter. Its Ashburnham Place, if you want to look it up. The photos are just from a mobile phone, so sorry if the quality's not what it normally is on our blog.

First, a few pics of the grounds in general, which include two lakes:

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Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Now that Mike has helped me sort out my 'I forgot my password' problem, I can post again!

Just to remind those who read our blog and who might be interested...

I co ordinate the Small Woodland Owners Group - SWOG that is sponsored by

It is free to join, take a look at our site


Intelligence Squared Green Festival on Climate Change

The Ashden Awards (who I work for 80% of the time) are partners for the Intelligence Squared Green Festival on Climate Change taking place on Sunday January 25th at the Royal Geographical Society in London.

Click on the link below to register and use the promotion code ‘Friend’ to get 20 percent off tickets

Svati Bhogle, director of TIDE in India, who won the 2008 Ashden Energy Champion award for their work on biomass stoves, will speak, and you can visit the Ashden Awards display of low-carbon technology from developing countries.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Coppicing in a neighbouring wood

Yesterday was cold - again!

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Friday, 9 January 2009

Last weekday coppicing...

Today was the last day I have off work for coppicing - any other odds and ends we want to do will have to be done at weekends now, or possibly late afternoon as the days get longer. For now, the days are still short and cold, but sunny.

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