Sunday, 29 March 2009

Wild boar skull

Remember a while ago we saw a dead wild boar near our wood? Well, it's been eaten and/or decomposed, leaving just a skull and spine now. We've checked with the people who own the wood and they don't want it, so we're going to take it away and boil the skull to get it clean, then give it to someone we know who lectures on wildlife, so they can show it to their students.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Wood Anemone

We went to the wood in an evening this week, with our new neighbour Andrew, and were surprised to see how much Wood Anemone is showing now:

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Monday, 23 March 2009

While Mike was trying to take photos of the sunset, this is what was happening behind! Emily, Charlotte and I were having a go at sand dune surfing in cardboard boxes... not very successful, but loads of fun!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Sunsets on the beach

Just a few pictures from this evening, all taken just over the dune from our house. I've put these at a even higher resolution than I've been using recently, so make your web browser full screen!

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The beach and the wood

I had my friend Jon visiting over this weekend. We went up to the wood, of course, but also cycled to Dungeness to enjoy the scenery and a pint at The Britannia. There was also time for a bit of kite flying down on the beach near our house:

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Monday, 16 March 2009

Visitors, signs of spring, and badgers!

On Saturday we took a break from moving house to cook lunch in the wood, as our friends Dave and Anna were visiting. (Some of the photos below are from them, mixed in with our own)

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First morning at the new house

Sunday was the first morning we woke up at our new house. Seeing as it was sunny, we thought it would be rude not to take a walk on the beach before church.

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Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Road closed at Rye Harbour again! This time a chemical spill!

The road is once again closed to Rye Harbour - this time it is a large chemical spill! No one allowed in at all.... loads of emergency vehicles have gone done there, including firemen in their own cars! Later in the morning the fire trucks were filling up from the river.

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