Tuesday, 30 June 2009

First animal on the trail camera!

At last we have something other than people walking dogs on our trail camera! OK, it's not very exciting, but it's a start, and until now we didn't know that pigeons liked to drink at our pond. It's also good to know that something as small as a pigeon will trigger the motion sensor:

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Defensive gulls

Apparently I'm not allowed to wear white clothing on our top balcony for a while. Here's what happens if I do, especially if I put my arms up in the air...

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Sunday, 28 June 2009

Robin and the butterflies

Yesterday I went to the wood to meet a brother of a friend at 11am to answer some questions he had about buying woodland and producing fuel. We had an interesting chat, but they had to leave at 12, leaving me there in the heat of the day with my camera - so I got lots of pictures of butterflies. After locking the gate I immediately saw a Red Admiral basking on the hot stone of the track in the wayleave:

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Saturday, 27 June 2009

Four pence and a tent peg

That was the grand total of our haul after an hour metal detecting on the beach yesterday evening!

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Wednesday, 24 June 2009

It's gone a bit quiet...

Sorry for the lack of posts, we've had a crazy couple of weeks, with me doing a presentation to one group on Peak Oil, and another on what we're doing at the woodland, followed by a visit there. And now we're off to a friend's wedding... All good fun, but not much time to write on the blog!

There'll be some new stuff up here on the weekend...


Sunday, 14 June 2009

What a lot of activity...!

A quiet and peaceful woodland, soon to be shattered by the excitement of 27 children age 10 ish! The children from the local primary school love coming to the woodland. This group came to learn about coppicing and local, sustainable forestry. They are going to compare low impact coppicing with logging.... very interesting! They had a go at felling a tree, walked around the wood finding out loads of stuff and enjoyed creating their own tasks. This young man is building a safe house around a baby oak tree to protect it from rabbits.

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Back to the woods...

After five days in London, it's been great to get back into the woods with Tracy this weekend. The young coppice is growing like crazy now:

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Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Busy in London...

I'm in London all week for work - because this is the pinnacle of the year for the Ashden Awards. Today was our conference at Imperial College, which I organised, and it all went well. Tomorrow evening is the Awards Ceremony, with Prince Charles as guest speaker!

Once I get back on Friday, it'll be back to the woods again :-) Hopefully we'll have some wildlife photos on our camera, as it's been up there all week in a place where I think there are often animals.


Tuesday, 2 June 2009

New plants growing in the wood

Thanks to people on the Wild About Britain forums who helped ID these. First, a Heath Speedwell, which has started appearing in various places in the coupe we cut in 2007/08, which has tiny but pretty flowers:

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Monday, 1 June 2009

Rhododendron killing

On Sunday I went to the wood to check on our trail camera (still nothing interesting...), but also dealt with this while I was there:

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