Monday, 28 September 2009

Cath in the woods

This is a guest post by my sister Cath, who was helping us in the woods today...

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Saturday, 26 September 2009

Back to the woods...

Last weekend was the first time in what seems like ages that I actually got up to the woods. Tracy was still at Bentley Woodfair, so I cycled up and did a few odd jobs and walked around to see what's happening there. I found this cool fungi growing in a ride:
I think it's an Orange Birch Bolete, but I' not confident enough to eat it...

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Woodfuel workshop

Although I've not been writing many posts here, I have been busy over on the Ashden Awards blog writing one about a woodfuel workshop I went to last week at the Bentley Woodfair, with lots of pictures and videos of woodfuel processing going on.


Friday, 11 September 2009

2-year old using a chainsaw

Our 2-year old nephew loves watching videos of us using the chainsaws, so much so that he sometimes calls me "Mike Chainsaw". So, when we saw this chainsaw at a boot sale, we just had to get it for him...

Isle of Man

There's been something of a lack of posts on the blog recently, as we've both been busy with work and non-work stuff. I was away last weekend visiting my friends Jon and Polly in the Isle of Man. In order to limit CO2 emissions, I decided I should go by train and ferry, combining a visit to my parents, rather than flying... but the ferry crossing on the way over was rough (force 7-8 wind), and I discovered I get sea sick! Fortunately it was calmer coming back, and I took some tablets as well. Anyway, here's the pictures...

Here's the ship that made me sick - I got a different one on the way back across:
and here's the bay at Douglas on the Isle of Man:

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