Sunday, 25 October 2009

Update for the week...

Just a few odds and ends from last week....

The coppicing is going well, though we think that we may not get the whole strip we are working on done this winter, in which case we'll go as far as we can and cut it next winter as well. One of the big things that takes time is the fact that there's so much Hazel, which takes a lot longer to process than Chestnut. Tracy's been spending a lot of time with loppers and a billhook working on it:

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Sweep Wood 16 years ago...

A neighbour gave us a photo of Sweep Wood from 16 years ago, taken in the summer after it was last coppiced. Hopefully this gives us a taste of how it will look in the near future. For comparison, here's a photo of it before we started this autum:

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Friday, 23 October 2009

Satnav and woodlands....

This has to be seen to be believed...

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

TckTckTck: Copenhagen is coming...

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

More coppicing...

Just a general update on progress over the last couple of days...

We've been felling the trees on the border with our neighbour's yard. Most of these need roping to pull them back into the wood, and some are pretty awkward. We treated this tangled bunch of five stems as a unit, roping them all together and putting felling cuts into all of them:

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Monday, 19 October 2009

A day (off) in the woods

On Saturday our friends Phil and Liz visited, giving us the welcome excuse to have a day in the woods without any work to do! Not that that meant nobody was working - Phil and Liz had to help chop up some fuel for the stove to cook lunch!

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Friday, 16 October 2009

Our friend Robin...

Robin came to help this week. He thought he'd try using the maul to help us split logs, but he found his feet weren't big enough to grip the handle...

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