Saturday, 26 June 2010

Sunset at Camber Sands

There's been some brilliant sunsets the past couple of weeks, and a few days ago I got out to the dunes at Camber Sands to get a few photos, so here you go:

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Sunday, 20 June 2010

A wedding and a Red Kite

If you're wondering why it's been a bit quiet on the blog, it's mainly because we're both really busy with work, and will be for another week or two. We've also been at the wedding of our nephew Sam, and Abi:

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Sunday, 13 June 2010

A new improved firewood shelter (part 2)

A couple of months ago we made a plan for a new firewood shelter in the woods and started building it. There's been a bit of a gap, just because we've been busy with other things, but today we did a bit more on it.
We were originally going to cleave the lengths of chestnut and make planks for the roof, but we found that you can only reliably cleave chestnut in a line that passes through the centre of the log, so you can't make more than two planks from a log. So, we decided instead to put a layer of poles cleaved into halves, then a layer of some of the polythene we had left over from the original firewood shelter, then another later of wood on top, to prevent the polythene being damaged by the UV in sunlight.

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Common Terns fishing

I took a few photos on the beach at Camber Sands yesterday, of Common Terns fishing as the tide was going out - they seem to find plenty of fish in the shallow water at this point. They'd fly upwind hunting, then zoom downwind to the start of the feeding patch and work their way back up again.

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Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Herring Gull chicks again, and cockatiels looking for trouble

Another video of the Herring Gull chicks, giving a better view of them this time:

And so they don't feel left out, our cockatiels Pete and Tom looking for trouble...


Monday, 7 June 2010

Herring Gull chicks have hatched

I think these chicks have hatched in the last couple of days (they're on the roof opposite our house). You can only just see them peeping out once or twice from under their parent, who's holding their wings to make a wall to keep them in. Interesting that when it stands up, you can't see the chicks - I'm guessing they're keeping down low, as you can see the parent peer down at them.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

An adventure in the woods

Yesterday was a bit of an adventure in the woods, more for our cockatiels Pete and Tom than for us (though we had a problem at the end of the day...). For the first time since we've owned the wood we took our birds up there to see how they coped with it. The goal is to see if we could take them when we camp, as we can't leave them at home on their own for more than one night, unless someone checks on them.
They had to stay in their travel cage of course - at home they're free to fly around. They were pretty calm though, and settled in after a few minutes.

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