Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Eco-refurbishment - cavity wall insulation

Last week we had cavity wall insulation installed. It's well worth anyone doing, as there's grants available in the UK (some people even get it completely free!), and even if there weren't it would pay for itself in heating costs within a couple of years. Make sure you get it done by a reputable installer though - ask your local council who they use. Our installers turned up early morning, and unloaded bales of insulation material:

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Sunday, 29 August 2010

Moving house...

If you were wondering why our blog has gone quiet, it's because we've been moving house! The broadband is still not up, so I'm writing this via a mobile connection, hence no pictures.

Anyway, it's been a busy period, not just with moving house but also getting the cavity walls insulated and arranging visits from various people who will be installing a wood stove with a back boiler, solar thermal panels, and then the plumbing to connect it all together. The gas boiler will be coming out, and then we'll have heating with minimal fossil fuel input, and not much cost, seeing as we'll be supplying all our own logs!

There'll be more info and some photos to follow in a few days...


Saturday, 21 August 2010

More Camber Sands sunsets

Some more sunset pictures from the dunes...

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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Driving the Land Rover through the woods

The previous post included pictures of us extracting logs in the Land Rover - this time I have a video of it! I've given a bit of a commentary as we drive along, if you can hear me over the engine. Thanks to Tracy for filming!


Sunday, 15 August 2010

Extracting firewood

We've finished the work levelling the tracks (or rides, if you want the forestry term) in the wood, and now we can start moving out the wood we cut last winter:

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Saturday, 14 August 2010

Sunset at Camber Sands

I popped up on to the dunes at Camber Sands this evening with Tracy, and got a few pics of the sunset. I'll start with my favourite, then the rest are in time order. Enjoy!

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Using a moisture meter to check firewood

People tell you that wood needs to be seasoned before it is burned as fuel, but what does this actually mean?

When a tree is felled in winter, the moisture content of the wood will be over 50%, and even higher if it is felled in summer. By splitting the logs and/or cutting them to short lengths, you can accelerate the rate at which the wood will dry out. You can check how dry it is using a moisture meter. The picture below shows the spikes on the end of my moisture meter - you just jab these into the end of a log and it gives you a reading. Better still, split a log and test what had been the inside of it, to see the moisture content at the centre.

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Thursday, 12 August 2010

Visiting the Isle of Eigg (part 3)

OK, so here's the detail on why I was visiting Eigg. At the time, they were an applicant for an Ashden Award, which they went on to win this summer. The award was given for their work in cutting their carbon emissions by almost 50%! This has been done through a combination of renewable energy generation, energy efficiency and behavioural change. The renewable energy generation is the most visually impressive, so that's what most of the pictures are of - I'll talk about the other stuff at the end of this post.

The heart of the system is a small building which has two main rooms, one housing this huge bank of Rolls lead-acid batteries, sufficient to run the entire island for 24 hours without discharging too deeply:

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