Saturday, 30 October 2010

Autumn has arrived in the woods

There's been a definite change in the woods this week, with the leaves changing colour and falling, letting more light in:


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Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Sharpening the chainsaw in the woods

I often prefer to sharpen our chainsaws in the wood, as it's a pleasant setting for the task. All you need is a block of wood to sit the saw on, something to sit on, and somewhere to keep your tool box handy:


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Monday, 25 October 2010

Pollarding Hornbeam, and smoky sunbeams

We've made a lot of progress in the last few days, and we think we're about a third of the way through what we need to complete this winter, which is good, considering we're still in October. Some of the trees have been pretty chunky, like the Ash below, which means our racks of logs are filling up fast.


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Thursday, 21 October 2010

Forestry machinery videos

A few assorted videos taken of the past couple of weeks, including chainsaw sculpture, a hydraulic log splitter and electric secateurs.

This chainsaw sculpture demo was taken at Weald Woodfair, where a guy made a link chain out of a single log:

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Monday, 18 October 2010

Ash coppice and splitting Hornbeam

I'd like to start this post with some pictures of coppiced Ash, which creates the most interesting shapes I've seen from any coppiced tree. It looks like it's trying to climb out of the soil!


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Sunday, 17 October 2010

A sunny Sunday in the woods

We both had an enjoyable and productive day in the woods today, expanding the clear area we're working on in Sweep Wood. At the start of the day trees were still hanging up a bit:


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Saturday, 16 October 2010

"Breaking in" to start coppicing

The first task when starting coppicing a new part of the woods is "breaking in", or creating a space into which you can fell trees. Obviously you start by taking out all the small trees in the area that you can, which this year means Hazel for us. Having done that, it's inevitable that you have to fell some larger trees that will hang up in other trees. However, you can often find gaps between other trees to fell into, if you're accurate with your chainsaw.

We're coppicing a strip between two fields this winter, and the picture below shows the lower edge of this strip. The trees to the right of the photo are staying. As you can see in the foreground, I've already felled some smaller Ash, which were relatively easy to slot between other trees as they came down. The two remaining Ash stems (about 40ft tall), left of centre, are leaning away from me as I took this picture, and there's a large oak behind me, so they can't come back this way. So, you'll see that to the back of the picture (just beyond my chainsaw) I've felled two Chestnut stems (they came towards the front of the picture). This created a nice space to fell the Ash into:


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