Wednesday, 30 March 2011

EWB students build us a firewood shelter

Last weekend we had a group of students from Engineers Without Borders UK (Imperial College branch) come to camp in the wood and also build us an additional firewood drying shelter.

EWB UK 2011 camping trip DSC_7117

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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

LightStorm CL1 wind-up torch: £23.99

I've now got some LightStorm CL1 wind-up torches in stock, they're £23.99 including postage, though I can do them quite a bit cheaper if you happen to live near enough to come and pick one up.

They're very ruggedly built torches, but the main unique feature is that they use carbon ultracapacitors to store energy, instead of rechargeable batteries. If you're into this kind of thing, you'll know that means they will last many years longer than a normal torch, and will always be ready to use in an emergency!

There's more info here, and you can buy them via ebay here.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Buds, birds and flowers in the woods

It's warming up a lot now (in the daytime at least), and this weekend we took advantage of the sunshine for a walk in the woods. There's loads of Spring flowers out now, like the Wood Anemone (all the following flower pics are from Sweep Wood):


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