Monday, 19 September 2011

GoPro timelapse: chainsawing firewood

Yesterday I took a timelapse video using my GoPro while loading up one of our firewood processing racks, then chainsawing the rack and loading the logs into the trailer. You can watch it in 1080p HD if you like! Enjoy...


Thursday, 15 September 2011

Timelapse video: moving firewood

Yesterday I went to the wood after work to collect some firewood, and thought I'd try out my GoPro in timelapse mode. I wish it was this quick to load the trailer in real life...

I also left the camera outside in the back garden for a bit to make a video of the clouds in the sky. Not original, I know, but it kind of has to be done!

I'm looking forward to making timelapse videos of working in the wood this autumn, and next time there's a big thunderstorm brewing I'll be straight out there with the camera!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

London to Brighton bike ride 2011

Well, the bike ride was Sunday, and it all went well - despite it lashing down with rain as we set off from Rye! We had a generally dry ride, with quite a bit of sunshine, and completed it with no major problems. It was just under 52 miles in total, and Rob and I did it in just over 4.5 hours of actual cycling, or a bit over 5.5 hours if you include lunch, and other short breaks like stopping to help someone fix a broken chain. Many thanks to Tracy and Ros for driving us there and helping us back as well. And thanks to everyone who sponsored us to raise money for CAP.

I've made a video of the ride using my GoPro camera. The full version is 13 mins and is probably more suited to people who've done the ride themselves, or are going to, and there's also a shorter 6 min version for those who don't want to watch the long one.

Full version:

Short version:


Saturday, 10 September 2011

August camping trips in the wood

Wow, that was a busy month for camping and visiting the wood! I think we had a total of four camping trips with various people, and numerous other day/evening visits as well. I'll start with a few of the group photos that often get taken...

Metal detecting with my brother Andy, nephew Joshua, and friend Matt with his family:


Click here to read the rest of this post.

Monday, 5 September 2011

GoPro helmet-cam cycling

Just a quick post - I tried my GoPro camera mounted on my bike helmet yesterday. It works well, with less vibration than when mounted on the bike. One downside though - I seem to cycle with my head slightly to one side! Anyway, here's the video, with another 40mph descent of Battery Hill:

I think it actually looked faster when mounted on the forks though, as the camera was lower: