Wednesday, 26 October 2011

More LightStorm CL1 ultracapacitor torches in stock!

I've just received another box of these neat torches from the manufacturer. With darker nights approaching, you might like to take a look.

Because they're wind-up, and also not damaged by being left uncharged, I think they're ideal for leaving tucked away in a car glovebox or at home, ready for when you unexpectedly need some light!

You can read about the torches, and buy one, on this page. The price there is £1 cheaper than my price on ebay.


Sunday, 23 October 2011

Cutting a new woodland ride

Over the past week I've been working in my friend Alex's wood, cutting trees to make a new ride - he originally had no rides at all through the 7.5 acres of land. We actually made a bit of a start a year ago, going from this:


to this:

Click here to read the rest of this post.

Friday, 21 October 2011

More coppicing and a new chainsaw video

Let's start with my latest GoPro video, this time with the camera mounted on my helmet while felling and logging a tree in our wood:

Click here to read the rest of this post.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

This season's coppicing work

The last two years have been pretty intense during the period when we've been working in the wood, as we had a set area to fell for a grant, and it was a bit more work than we'd realised! Still, we got an awful lot of wood out of it, and are now well stocked so that we can burn 2-year old wood at home. This year's different, taking a much more relaxed approach. Our only target is to fell at least one year's worth of wood for home heating, which is probably about 12m3 of solid wood. So, there's time to clear up odds and ends that have been left over from the past couple of years, and we're also going to do some work in a nearby wood that belongs to Alex, a friend of mine.

I actually started by going back up to the top of Sweep Wood, where we were working almost exactly two years ago. The problem we had then was lots of Sycamore leaning over the neighbouring farm yard, which all needed roping to pull them back into the wood. This was a lot of work, so I've resolved to cut them every few years, so we never have the same problem again - this will also create a kind of shrub-like edge to the wood there, which will be good for wildlife.

So Sycamore which looked like this:


Click here to read the rest of this post.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Finished moving last year's logs!

We've finally finished moving all of last year's logs away from the felling area!


Click here to read the rest of this post.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Timelapse chainsaw scuplture: making a stool

I've been out playing with my GoPro camera again... Here's a timelapse video of me making a stool from a log using the chainsaw:

Don't forget there's a longer video with full instructions on how to make one of these stools as well: