Sunday, 20 January 2013

Snow in the woods Jan 2013

With the snow over the last few days, I did of course have to make a trip to the wood to see how it was looking! I'd been busy at a Recycle Swap Shop earlier on Saturday, and as I had the trailer with me for that, I collected some Holly we'd felled into the garden of a woodland neighbour and headed into the woods with it...

DSC_5533 logs and snow in the woods

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Thursday, 17 January 2013

In the woods before sunrise

I've been waiting ages for it to be frosty enough to drive into the woods and collect logs without making mud, so when I woke up yesterday and saw from our weather monitor that it was -6C in the garden, I got dressed immediately, de-iced the car and set off for the woods, arriving well before sunrise:

DSC_5516 sunrise in the woods

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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

LightStorm SL1 ultracapacitor torches in stock!

I'm down to the last few of the CL1 torches I have been selling, and they are out of production now, so contact me if you want one! However, I've got the alternative SL1 torch in stock as well now, take a look at the details here.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Digging in the mud

2012 was the wettest year on record for England, and one of the effects in our woodland is mud, in this case in the wayleave in front of our entrance:

DSC_5482 mud

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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year sunset 2013

After the seemingly endless rain of 2012, it was great for the first day of 2013 to be wall-to-wall sunshine! We went for a walk down to Rye Harbour Nature Reserve at sunset and got a few pics on the walk to the sea...

DSC_5471 Sunset at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve

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