Saturday, 25 May 2013

Tirfor winch vs large broken oak branch

When we got to the woods today, we saw that a large branch had mysteriously broken in an oak tree but was still attached, presenting a potential danger. So as soon as Jon & family arrived, we put him to work!

IMG_3848 Using a Tirfor Winch

Here's the video, showing how the Tirfor winch is set up, using endless slings to attach to trees and, of course, the branch coming down:

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Monday, 13 May 2013

Bluebells, and wild boar poo

The Bluebells in the wood are nearing their peak now, a little bit later than 2012 and a lot later than 2011, thanks to the cold Spring. Here's a few pics, click each one for options to view larger versions in Flickr if you like, or click here to go to my Flickr photostream.

DSC_6525 Bluebells

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Friday, 10 May 2013

Turnstones at Rye Harbour beach

Well, I'd never heard of a bird called a Turnstone before, but apparently that's what we were watching on the beach this evening at Rye Harbour. And funnily enough, we did see some turning stuff over to look for food!

DSC_6495 Turnstone

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Thursday, 9 May 2013

Spring in the woods and making charcoal

The woodland is looking amazing now, with the Spring flowers finally showing themselves. We had several friends come and visit us in the woods on the bank holiday, so a charcoal top up was needed for BBQ cooking - this time we made a short video showing how this simple method of making charcoal in a kiln works, using an oil drum and a smaller barrel:

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