Monday, 29 July 2013

Clearing the wayleave

As always, summer has brought rapid growth from the plants at the edge of the wayleave, and hence the need to cut them back so vehicles can get through easily. Not having a brushcutter, and given there are smaller trees as well as brambles and bracken, we tackled the job with chainsaws...

DSC_6857 Wayleave clearance

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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Arborist climbing and descending on ropes

We went to the FR Jones Arb and Forestry show yesterday. It's not on the scale of the Weald Wood Fair at Bentley, and is more aimed at people working in forestry than the general public, but was worth it for us, as we got to talk to several people to get advice on equipment and bought a few bits of kit too. There were some interesting activities going on too, such as axe-throwing and tree climbing - I got a short video of this arborist climbing and descending an oak tree on ropes:

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Close-up chainsawing, GoPro HD

While processing some of next winter's firewood a few days ago, I thought it was time to make some new GoPro video, so I decided to see what it looked like close to the chainsaw! Enjoy...

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Friday, 12 July 2013

Off-grid solar PV upgrade

Sorry there's been no posts for a while, but as you can see I've had a lot going on!

DSC_6678 Suntech solar panels

With the help of my friend Rich, I've upgraded our off-grid solar PV system, removing some of the panels we installed a couple of years ago and replacing them with some much larger models. Here's a video summarising what's been done:

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