Saturday, 19 April 2014

Splitting long logs

A few days ago someone asked me how I split logs while they're 2m (6'6") long. So I made a little video...

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Monday, 14 April 2014

Making kindling quickly by hand with a froe

Here's how we make all our kindling. It's quick and easy, and quite a satisfying job to do too! I wrote about the method some time ago, but finally got round to making a video on how to do it:

All you need is a chopping block, an inner tube from a bike, a froe (or frow, depending how you spell it), and a wooden mallet. The inner tube is the key - it holds the log together while you finish the job of splitting it up, as you can see here:

Best not to use a fancy mallet, as it will get damaged hitting the froe. I'm using one I made myself, as in this video:


Sunday, 13 April 2014

Getting started on next winter's firewood and clearing windblow

With the spell of good weather we're having at the moment, I took the opportunity to get into the woods and start preparing logs for next winter, and clear up some more windblown trees. For the first time I took the logs home in 2m lengths, as we now have the Truncator to cut them up at home:

DSC_8269 Trailer of logs

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Chainsaw sculpture - making a bench in under 5 minutes

Here's a quick video to show a really simple way of making a log bench. We've been using these in the woods for years, and I needed to make a couple of new ones this weekend to accommodate groups of children on school visits to the woodland:

Here's the two finished products, which only took about 5 minutes each to make with the chainsaw. You can vary the height of them by using different size 'feet'.
DSC_8296 log benches


Sunday, 6 April 2014

Springtime in the woods - flowers and butterflies

We took advantage of the sunshine yesterday to go for lunch in the woods with my parents, who were visiting for the day. Although I saw solitary Bluebells a couple of weeks ago, there's a liberal scattering now visible!

DSC_8181 Early bluebells

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Friday, 4 April 2014

Off-grid solar PV upgrade: 750W to 1,250W

Yesterday we upgraded our solar PV - again! I'll go through some of the pictures first, then get into technical stuff later for those that are interested... Here's the finished system, installed next to our existing solar thermal (hot water) installation - as we were working above the flat roof, it was a lot easier than last time, no scaffolding required!

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