Wednesday, 31 March 2010

21 five year olds and a lot of water!

We had 21 four and five year olds visit the wood this week.

Can you spot them among the trees?

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Thursday, 25 March 2010

UK government holds summit on Peak Oil

As announced in The Guardian on Sunday, the UK government recently held a summit on Peak Oil:

Lord Hunt, the energy minister, is to meet industrialists in London tomorrow in a bid to calm mounting fears about the disruption that could follow a sudden shortage of oil supplies.

In a significant policy shift, the government has agreed to undertake more work on whether the UK needs to take action to avoid the massive dislocation that could be caused by the early onset of "peak oil" – the point that marks the start of terminal decline in global oil production.

Jeremy Leggett, the executive chairman of the renewable power company Solar Century and a leading figure in the UK industry taskforce on peak oil and energy security, said the meeting, to be held at the Energy Institute, showed a welcome new sense of urgency. "Government has gone from the BP position – '40 years of supply left, the price mechanism works, no need to worry' – to 'crikey'," he said.
The event was held behind closed doors, but fortunately one of the participants, Rob Hopkins from Transition Towns, has published a write-up, respecting the Chatham House Rule under which the summit was held. Here's a little bit of it:

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Monday, 22 March 2010

Tipping point - will Peak Oil crash our civilisation?

The following is the summary from a recent report from Feasta.

The credit crisis exemplifies society's difficulties in the timely management of risks outside our experience or immediate concerns, even when such risks are well signposted. We have passed or are close to passing the peak of global oil production. Our civilisation is structurally unstable to an energy withdrawal. There is a high probability that our integrated and globalised civilisation is on the cusp of a fast and near-term collapse.

As individuals, and as a social species we put up huge psychological defences to protect the status quo. We've heard this doom prophesied for decades, all is still well! What about technology? Rising energy prices will bring more oil! We need a Green New Deal! We still have time! We're busy with a financial crisis! This is depressing! If this were important, everybody would be talking about it! Yet the evidence for such a scenario is as close to cast iron as any upon which policy is built: Oil production must peak; there is a growing probability that it has or will soon peak; energy flows and a functioning economy are by necessity highly correlated; our basic local needs have become dependent upon a hyper-complex, integrated, tightly-coupled global fabric of exchange; our primary infrastructure is dependent upon the operation of this fabric and global economies of scale; credit is the integral part of the fabric of our monetary, economic and trade systems; a credit market must collapse in a contracting economy, and so on.

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Sunday, 21 March 2010

Better late than never: Spring 2010

Well, at last Spring is here. Here's some wood anemones about to come into flower, over in Sweep Wood:

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Friday, 19 March 2010

Wood anenome excitement!

I popped up to the woodland today to cut up some logs for the children at the local school. They are learning about construction and they wanted to have some natural materials. Despite the drizzle it was nice to be up there again with the smell of the chainsaw fumes!

The best thing though, is that I saw some wood anemone beginning to grow. Some even had the beginnings of flowers. Soon the woodland floor will be white and green. Wonderful. Spring is a little late in coming this year, but I hope that once this rain passes everything will bounce back to life.
Can't wait.
and the children love their bits of wood! I will try to get some pictures of what they create next week

Monday, 15 March 2010

First Brimstones of the year!

We were up a the woods yesterday doing a few odd jobs, and excited to see a male Brimstone butterfly in our wood. I changed camera lenses while Tracy kept an eye on it, then I chased it out into the wayleave trying to get a picture, only ot find a second one out there! Brimstones are fast and don't land very often, and at this time of year there's precious little food to tempt them to land anyway, so I had to try and get photos of it in flight, in between running to keep up with it. Hence they're pretty poor pics, but here they are anyway as proof of the Brimstones' presence - you can't mistake them because of the colour:

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Precision flying

Birds initially have trouble flying in enclosed spaces, but our cockatiels have had plenty of practice, and do a little acrobatics show every morning, usually about 10 mins after they get up. Here they are, seeing how close they can fly to the wall without crashing.

Here's Pete, showing off his full set of feathers:

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Saturday, 6 March 2010

Timelapse videos of this winter's coppicing

Every day we went to work in the woods this winter we took photos from several different fixed points. I've put them together into short videos now, so you can see the progress we made as we worked. The first two videos are longer, but most of the changes are near the start, so feel free to skip the latter half of them, unless you want to see the snow at the end of each one. From the top of the hill at the left:

From the top of the hill at the right:
20m in from the top:
40m in from the top:

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Herring Gulls fighting, and our cockatiels investigate chairs

Just a quick video of Herring Gulls fighting on the roof of the houses opposite ours.

And for more strange bird behaviour, our cockatiels being weird...


Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The Orion Nebula

Just a quick post, to show you a photo I took through my telescope last night of the Orion Nebula:
It's actually made from 19 photos, taken at ISO1600 and 5" exposures, through my Skywatcher Explorer 200 telescope. The photos have been stacked using a neat piece of software called Registax. What I need to do some time is take me smaller telescope up the woods and connect a camera to it - should get some great long-distance photos of birds then, if they stay still long enough...
