Sunday, 30 May 2010

The solar-powered woodland

Last week we went up to the woods on a beautiful sunny day for dinner. The oaks are all out in leaf now and it looks fantastic!

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Wednesday, 26 May 2010

A school trip, shelters and navigation

This week we had another school visit - year 5 and 6 came to learn about navigation and shelter building. Mike was able to join us too. We had a great time and the weather was perfect.

We started with some work on navigation and counting how many steps we do in 20m in order to keep track of how far we walk.

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Sunday, 16 May 2010

Seabirds at Camber Sands

As it was sunny this morning, I took a walk along to the channel the Rother flows along, and then back along the beach to Camber. As the tide was low, there were plenty of seabirds flying along the line of the river but actually below where I was on the sea defences:
allowing me to get some good pictures:

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Saturday, 15 May 2010

A walk in the woods

With rain threatened for this afternoon, we popped into the woods this morning to see what new things are growing there since we last had a proper look round. Everything's very green now, and the paths are beautiful to walk along:

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