Saturday, 18 February 2012

Feeding the birds

I just got back from a trip up north for work, here's a few photos I took while visiting family on the way back. My brother came over with his kids (Joshua and Chloe), and we went down to the lake in the park to feed the birds...

Some were right out of the water, ready to take food out of your hand, like this Canada Goose:

Canada Goose DSC_3487

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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Retro-fitting flat roof insulation

Ideally a flat roof should be a 'warm roof', i.e. using good insulation and a vapour barrier so that heat is kept in and moisture can not reach any cold spots to condense and cause problems. But what do you do if you can't or won't spend the money refitting an entire flat roof? This was our situation - the roof was only refitted a bit over five years ago, so has plenty of life in it yet. When it's time to renew it, we'll get the insulation done properly at that point. Until then, we needed to come up with another solution...

The sections of flat roof we have are above our dormer windows, and as such they link into the small loft that is higher than them. Above the windows they are not airtight at all, which is useful as it lets air flow through the roof space and loft, preventing any condensation forming. However, a few months ago I finally got round to investigating what was in the roof space, and I found this:

Retrofitting flat roof insulation IMG_0525

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Monday, 6 February 2012

Snow scenes from the woods

Yesterday I posted pictures of snow in Rye, and now here's some from the woods. I'm just going to post a selection of the ones I took, you can view the full set on Flickr (higher resolution there too).


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Sunday, 5 February 2012

Snow in Rye, Feb 2012

Ever since we moved to Rye in summer 2007, it's snowed every winter. The weather has not let us down this winter either...

snow in rye DSC_3248_1

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