We've finally finished cutting the trees in Sweep Wood that bordered a garden. The final day of work
included an awkward limb that we wanted to get down while we had access to the garden:
Sunday, 24 February 2013
A job finished
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
2015/16 UK energy supply crunch
I normally keep my 'doom and gloom' posts to my other blog, but the recent news made me think I ought to post a link to my latest post here. It's about what OFGEM have been saying about the future of the UK electricity and gas supply, and how much it is going to cost us if we want to keep the lights on: peakoilupdate.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/ofgem-ceo-speaks-on-201516-uk-energy.html
Click here to read the rest of this post.Saturday, 9 February 2013
Cutting an overgrown Holly hedge, and making some new place mats
For the last few Saturdays we've been working where Sweep Wood borders a neighbour's garden. There are border trees there which probably used to be a hedge at some point in the past, but are very overgrown now. Our neighbour would like a view from their house across the wood, we need to cut the trees at some point anyway, and right now their garden is just empty soil as it's being redone. So we've taken the opportunity for fell some trees into the garden, rather than into the regrowing coppice from our work there in 2009/10.
Here's a pic from a week ago, when we'd cleared a gap and started to move brash back over the fence to make a dead hedge:
We've had lots of brash to cut up, as Holly always seems to be very bushy!
There's some fairly chunky stems in there:
And we're getting plenty of nice heavy logs out of them!
At the end of last Saturday we'd created a view like this:
Today we went to carry on with the trees at the left...
Again, plenty of decent Holly logs in there, which will be great in a year or two for keeping the fire in overnight - Holly is very dense and so burns slowly.
If you were wondering why I'd felled the one above so high, it's because it had ancient barbed wire embedded in it, and I didn't want to blunt the chain on my chainsaw by hitting it!
There's now a decent gap in the overgrown hedge there:
Though at either end are a few trees we'd still like to deal with before Spring arrives:
Here's the pile of logs we have to move at some point - I already did one trailer load when it was snowing a few weeks ago.
One last thing - what do you think Tracy is carrying here?
Answer - our new set of placemats!
They're slices cut from a Holly tree that had some kind of fungal infection. We found this once before, in a Sycamore, and the mats we made are still in use at home. Just in the time it took to get home, the Holly had already changed colour, taking on a more greenish hue:
Tomorrow we'll coat them with PVA glue to stop them drying too fast and splitting, and then store them in the shed for a year or so. Then they'll be ready to bring indoors and use!
Click here to read the rest of this post.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
C&B Seen LED bike light review
I recently bought some new bike lights, which are the brightest I've ever had! It's the 'Commuter Kit' from C&B Seen, with 1200 lumen CREE front LED, and 500 lumen rear LEDs. They also came with a head-torch attachment, so should be useful at night in the woods too... Here's a video review:
Friday, 1 February 2013
Chainsaw videos blog
Just a quick note to say I've started a new blog in addition to this one, gathering together a mix of my favourite chainsaw-realted videos, include my own and others from YouTube. Take a look: