We've finally finished cutting the trees in Sweep Wood that bordered a garden. The final day of work
included an awkward limb that we wanted to get down while we had access to the garden:
We came up with a plan though, and got stuck in:
Just checking it's going to fall safely and that I can get out of the way...
In with the felling cut:
Half way down... It's Hornbeam, so is very strong and the hinge doesn't easily break during felling, unlike Sycamore.
A bit more persuasion and it came gently to rest on top of the hedge, from where we could cut it up and tidy it away:
Leaving a much neater border tree at the corner of the garden:
Here's the site now it's done, with the brash mostly put back over the fence to make a dead hedge:
We got some hefty chunks of Holly and Hornbeam out of the work, which are now back in the wood:
I got straight on and split them right away, while they were still green:
Last but not least, we also found this when we went to top up our bird feeder...
Pesky squirrels had chewed their way into the bird seed container we'd left up there, and then managed to get the lid off... I guess we will have to rethink this bit of the plan!
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