Sunday, 28 September 2014

Steam powered saw mill at Bentley Wood Fair

Check out this steam traction engine powering a saw mill!

I saw it at the Bentley Wood Fair, which is always worth a visit. Didn't take any pictures this year, as I've been so many times now, but you can view some older ones here.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Winching windblown trees

This week I carried on removing last winter's windblow. I'd already removed the easy trees, leaving these ones to be pulled out. I attached a sling to each one in turn, then hooked the winch cable into it:


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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Starting this season's coppicing

I started on this year's coppicing work last week, with the help of my Dad. We were working in the area where several trees blew down last Christmas - my plan is to finish clearing up the windblow and then coppice around the naturally created clearing up to the borders with a ride and wayleave. Here's what we were dealing with:


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Friday, 19 September 2014

Huge lighting storm seen from Rye, East Sussex

Amazing lightning storm just went past Rye in the English Channel, brilliant view from our garden! Here's a video slideshow of the stills, do put it in full-screen and 1080p HD!

Here's one of the stills:

You can view the rest on my Flickr page.


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Logmatic 250 log splitter video review

A while ago we bought a Logmatic 250 log splitter, and I thought it was about time I made a review video for it, so here you go...

It's a neat tool, which allows you to precisely position the sharp end to split the log just where you want it. It's not too hard to lift the weight up to deliver the impact either. But it IS slower than using a splitting axe (or maul), and for that reason we're not going to be keeping it. I can see that for people who are unable to precisely use an axe, for whatever reason, would find it useful though.


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Woodland fungi and clearing the paths

The mushrooms are back!


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Sunday, 14 September 2014

Sunset in Rye Harbour

Yesterday saw a beautiful sunset in Rye Harbour Nature Reserve:

DSC_1785 Sunset at Rye Harbour

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Monday, 1 September 2014

A walk on Beachy Head

Last Friday we went to visit Beachy Head - not sure why it took us so long, we've lived down here for some years now! We drove to the visitor centre and pub (which does a nice lunch) at the top, and walked over to the cliff:


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