Thursday, 31 December 2009

Last day coppicing in 2009

It may be New Year's Eve, but we were still working in the woods. Paul and his daughter Emily came up in the afternoon to join in, so we made pretty good progress, especially considering we didn't make a very early start! We left a number of logs lying around for me to split tomorrow and put into a rack - we couldn't do it today as we didn't have post driver there.

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Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Rain in the woods

It's been a wet week so far, and we stayed at home today, catching up on things and sharpening the chainsaws. Yesterday we had a group from Butterfly Conservation come to help, and a good crowd turned up despite the weather - they were rewarded with a dry-ish morning, but we packed up at lunchtime when the rain started properly. Here's a few of them at teabreak time:

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Sunday, 27 December 2009

More Coal Tits

Before starting work in the wood today we went and topped up the bird feeder again. The birds seem to munch through it pretty fast, but I guess they don't know for sure we're coming to top it up, so they just eat all they can to get them through the winter. Anyway, this time it was brighter, so I got some better pics:

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Friday, 25 December 2009

Coal Tits at the bird feeder

I was in the wood on my own yesterday, as Tracy had a cold. I spent a few hours felling some smaller trees in Sweep Wood (didn't want to try anything complicated while working alone), but also found time to go and top up the bird feeder back in Chestnut Coppice. A good job too - it was nearly empty! I filled it and settled in about 15m away to see who came to eat - and was rewarded by several Coal Tits within two minutes! It was overcast, so there wasn't enough light for great pictures, but here's what I got:

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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Woodland archaeology

A few weeks ago we had David Brown, of the South East Woodland Archaeology Forum, come and visit Sweep Wood and Chestnut Coppice (and other surrounding woods) to look at the archaeological features. There were numerous banks and ditches, but the really intriguing find was what we thought was a ditch running through Sweep Wood:

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Tuesday, 22 December 2009

A quick update...

Just a quick update on our progress. We've now got two straight weeks in the wood, bar a couple of days to rest and visit family. Today was a pleasant change - sunny all day, and the temperature up a few degrees. Not sure it will stay like this though...

After the coming two weeks I've not got much more time off work, so we're currently figuring out what we can finish in the time remaining and trying to make sure all the loose ends are dealt with. To that end, I spent most of yesterday and today splitting logs, and now there are some nicely filled racks:

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Sunday, 20 December 2009

Don't argue with a Defender...

Modern cars have crumple zones and impact-absorbing bumpers. Land Rover Defenders have a steel girder. Here's what happens you slide a Renault Megane down an icy hill into a (stationary) Defender:

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Friday, 18 December 2009

A colder week in the wood

It was great to have some colder weather this week in the wood - makes a nice change from the wind and rain of a few weeks ago! Included in this post are a couple of videos of birds, a video of firewood processing, and various pics of the work we've been doing.

Let's start with the frost (we've not had much snow here yet, despite the rest of the southeast getting plenty). Because parts of the wood are in permanent shade at this time of year the frost just accumulates for days on end.

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