Sunday, 31 January 2010

Frosty days

It's been frosty for a couple of days here now, so we took advantage of that today by going and collecting a couple of loads of logs for customers. Yesterday though, we went to the wood just to have a walk around in the sunshine. We wandered up the wayleave and over the hill, and I was pleased to get one of my closest photos of a blue tit yet:

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Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Woodfairs UK have just sponsored a new website, called Through the site, we aim to link to all the woodfairs in the UK. If you are looking for a woodfair in your area, or would like to promote one, use

Saturday, 23 January 2010

A damp visit to the wood

It's been pretty murky weather for days now, but as we were both feeling a bit better, we decided to drive up the wood and take a walk around anyway. It was worth it to get this photo!

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Wednesday, 20 January 2010


I've had flu, and Tracy seems to be developing it, hence the lack of news on our blog... Especially frustrating as there's only a few trees left to deal with in Sweep Wood before we can well and truly say we're done for this winter. I've even just had a length of steel rope delivered to use with a winch for felling some of them, but it'll have to sit waiting in the garage for now...


Monday, 11 January 2010

Woodgas Outdoor Fireplace review

Some time ago I posted a review of the Woodgas Campstove we use for cooking in the wood. Well, now I've got another video - this time of its big brother, the Woodgas Outdoor Fireplace:

If you want to buy one, go to


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Woodland snow scenes

With all the snow there's been over the past week, there's been some great opportunities to get pictures in the wood, so here they are.

The wayleave:

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