Thursday, 26 April 2012

Trying out the Logosol Big Mill / TimberJig chainsaw mill

Last weekend I was able to have a go with my friend Rich's Logosol Big Mill / TimberJig chainsaw mill:

DSC_3925 Logosol sawmill

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Friday, 20 April 2012

Lightstorm SL1 ultra-capacitor LED torch

It's over a year now since I started selling the Lightstorm CL1 ultra-capacitor torch, and it's been pretty successful. So I'm getting another product from the same company now, the Lightstorm SL1 wind-up torch. This uses the same ultra-capacitor and LED technology as the CL1, but has several new features:

  • single spot-LED (as with CL1), but THREE LEDs for flood-lighting.
  • three flashing red LEDs for emergency signalling.
  • disc shaped, with magnets and handle/hook combination on the back, so that you can fix it up in various places to provide light while on your camping trip, during a power cut, etc.
Here's a quick pic:

More info when the new stock arrives...

p.s. I'm also getting some micro-USB phone charger connectors for use with the CL1 and SL1, which come with mini-USB by default, so if you have a compatible phone (most new ones will work) then you'll also be able to buy this from me too.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Uckfield Fire Station open day 2012

As part of my fun new role as an East Sussex Fire and Rescue service volunteer, I get to help out with events like open days at the fire stations. And yes, I did sit in a truck!


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Monday, 9 April 2012

Wilderness first responder July 2012

You may remember that Mike and I did a wilderness first aid course in a wood.

This was an excellent 2 day course and prepared us well for all kinds of eventualities. Andy is coming to run the course in our woodland near Rye on the 21 and 22 July 2012. I fully recommend this course. Please contact us if you would like to come along.


The training is interesting, high quality and realistic and the price reasonable. The training is particularly relevant to those of us who are sometimes working in remote situations, and with trees and tools - but it also covers all kinds of first aid needs that we come across at work and in normal life.

Come and join us! Email

if you would like to know more

Spring trees

It's not just flowers, butterflies and birds, the trees are waking up now as well. Birch always seems to be first off the mark:

DSC_3783 Birch

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Friday, 6 April 2012

Easter butterflies

Well at least one day of the Easter weekend was sunny - and here's some butterflies to prove it. First, the always familiar Peacock:

DSC_3696 Peacock butterfly

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Thursday, 5 April 2012

Spring in the wood!

Well, it did seem as if Spring had truly arrived in the wood last week. Seems to have vanished for the moment, but here are some pictures captured at the end of March.


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