Saturday, 31 May 2008

Smoker now in use

You might remember that in an earlier post I said I'd taken a trailer load of oak sawdust to a friend who was building a smoker...

Well, Paul's been busy and it is now in use! Here he is building it:

More pictures in the rest of the post...

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Sussex and Surrey Coppice Group

We've been members of the Sussex and Surrey Coppice Group for a while, but today was the first time we made it to one of their meetings.

There's two specific posts I've written already on tool repair and a mobile sawmill, the rest of the event follow below.

The event was held in a woodland about an hour from us, and many members were demonstrating their crafts.
More follows in the rest of the post, including a charcoal kiln and horse team...

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Mobile sawmill in action

At the recent meeting of the Sussex and Surrey Coppice Group, we saw a demonstration of a mobile sawmill by William Wallace. You can read more about his business at

He uses a Wood-Mizer sawmill, towed by his Land Rover. The mill can lift logs up, move them around on the mill bed, and handle diameters up to 3 feet. Anyway, enough of the typing, the rest is pictures:
More pictures follow in the rest of the post...

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Tool repair with a portable forge

At the recent meeting of the Sussex and Surrey Coppice Group, we saw a demonstration of tool repair by Ian Swain. You can visit his website at

The really neat thing was that he used a portable forge to heat the tang of the billhook blade until it was red hot, allowing it to burn a shape for itself in the new handle.

Here's the portable forge. The lid is only shut in transit - the blower on the top can be packed inside it. The protrusion at the back of the firebox is where the jet of air comes in from the blower.

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Monday, 26 May 2008

On the beach

Well, it might have been a wet bank holiday weekend for some parts of the UK, but with Rye being, on average, in the sunniest corner of the country, the Saturday and Sunday were actually very good! We went down to Pett Level beach on Sunday afternoon, just to sit in the sunshine and take a few pictures:
More follows in the rest of the post, including pictures of birds, boats and an autogyro...

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Sunday, 25 May 2008

Allotment produce and wildlife

We had another order for produce from the wood for use at the allotment to fulfil this weekend, so went up with the trailer and brought various stuff back. Pea sticks, tomato poles and stakes for fruit trees:
The rest of this post covers the wildlife we saw this weekend...

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